Update 10th June 2021 Volume 2 is now sold-out, not sure when it will be back in stock, many thanks to all of those who have supported the books, Steve.
Update 3rd May 2020 The sale of the book is now over, so the price will revert to £20.00 plus p&p. Royal Mail increased the price of postage across the board six weeks ago so the new postage rates reflect those increased costs. Volume I remains out of print, we need around 100 people to show interest to make a reprint viable, at the moment we have around 30 people on the waiting list. If you would like a copy of Volume II or be put on the waiting list for a reprint of Volume I, please either leave a comment below or email me, many thanks, Steve.
Email: stevelampon@yahoo.co.uk
The price for Volume II – Creating a Wargames Layout for the Mediterranean is £20.00
Postage and packing:
UK 1st/2nd class is £4.50/£4.00
Europe £7.50
World Zone 1 £12.00 (Canada, South America, Africa, Asia).
World Zone 2 £15.00 (Australia, New Zealand, Singapore).
World Zone 3 £12.50 (USA).
This is for 1 copy.
Tracked/signed for postage is available on request.
Update 15th April 2020 As we are all still in ‘lockdown’ Pat and I will continue the sale of Setting the Scene Volume 2 until the end of April. £18.00 plus P&P. If you would like a copy please leave a comment below. Please note Royal Mail increased their postage costs across the board several weeks ago so we will have to add those increases at the end of the month. Thanks to all of those who have supported the books. Many thanks and stay safe. Steve.
Update 21 March 2020 Thank you to all who have supported the Setting the Scene books. With everyone starting to self-isolate perhaps now would be a good time to start some terrain building! I am very quickly getting to the point where Volume 2 will also be sold-out, so from now until the end of March, Pat and I are offering Volume 2 at a 10% discount. £18.00 plus P&P. If you would like a copy, please either leave a comment or email Pat via his blog, or leave a comment or email me via my webpage. Many thanks and stay safe. Steve.
Update 27th December. Volume 1 is now SOLD OUT.
Update 2nd November. The books have been delivered and will go in the post this week, thanks to everyone who has supported the books.
Update 22nd October. Setting the Scene volumes 1 & 2 have gone to press and all PayPal invoices have been sent out. If you were expecting an invoice but haven’t received one then please email me ASAP. Printing will take about two weeks.
Email: stevelampon@yahoo.co.uk
Update 18th October. Setting the Scene – Creating a wargames layout for the Mediterranean will go to press on Monday along with the reprint of Volume 1 – Winter wargaming.
Paypal invoices will start going out over the weekend.
If you are expecting an invoice but haven’t received one by Wednesday then please email me, if you would like a copy of either or both volumes then please email me or leave a comment below. I need to know your location please.
Many thanks to all of those who have supported the books.
Email: stevelampon@yahoo.co.uk
Update 11th October. The printed and bound ‘wet’ proof has been delivered. Pat and I need to check it through then order the digital preview copies which will go out for reviews. Main print run should be in about two weeks.
Update 8th October. Setting the Scene Volume II – Creating a Wargames Layout for the Mediterranean – editing has been completed and the book will now go for ‘wet’ proofing. Paypal invoices will start to go out at the time I send it out to print, which will be in about two weeks time. If you would like a copy of Volume I or II, please leave a comment below. Please DO NOT comment if you have already done so as you will already be on my list. Thanks, Steve.
Update 17th September. Setting the Scene Volume II – Creating a Wargames Layout for the Mediterranean – is now ready to order.
The book is being edited and the aim is to go to press in about a month. Printing will take 2 weeks, therefore copies should be posted by the end of October/early November. Payment will be by PayPal invoice; invoices will NOT go out until we are ready to go to press. If you would like to order a copy please leave a comment below. It is important that you let me know your LOCATION!
If you have already commented, please DO NOT comment again as you will already have been added to the list of recipients.
For those of you who missed out, we will also be doing a short print run of Volume I – Winter Wargaming at the same time as Volume II.
Volume II is 150 pages (50% bigger than volume I, so printing and postage will naturally increase).
The price for Volume II – Creating a Wargames Layout for the Mediterranean is £20.00
Postage and packing:
UK 1st/2nd class is £4.00/£3.50
Europe £7.00
World Zone 1 £9.50 (North & South America, Africa, Asia).
World Zone 2 £10.00 (Australia, New Zealand, Singapore).
This is for 1 copy.
Tracked/signed for postage is available on request.
Update 4th September 2019. Design and layout of the book is now done, needs to be checked by Pat and then professionally edited. The aim is to go to press sometime in October.
Update 8th August 2019. Design and layout for the main part of the book is almost finished. There is a special section from a ‘guest’ who is providing a chapter on WWII Italians. Then the book has to go out for editing.

Whether you are a grizzled veteran or a raw recruit to our hobby, this book will hopefully be useful to you, and guide you through making and painting the terrain and figures suitable for gaming in the Mediterranean.
The Mediterranean is a vast area which covers portions of Europe, Asia and Africa. Our main focus will be on Southern Europe, namely Sicily, Italy and Spain, although the main terrain features in this book would be suitable for many of the other territories bordering those three countries.
The Mediterranean Region is surprisingly hilly and mountains can be seen from almost anywhere. Moving inland from the sandy beaches and rocky shores, the landscape can vary from scrubland and semi-arid steppes to the more cultivated areas of olive groves, orchards, vineyards and cypress trees.
We visualise blue skies over a sun-kissed landscape but this is not always the case, so we need to consider the climate and time of year that we want to represent, as a Mediterranean winter could give you quite a different look to your tabletop layout.
One of the many historical engagements that occurred during a Mediterranean winter was Sir John Moore’s retreat from Corunna in December 1908 during the Napoleonic Peninsular Wars. The dismal conditions of snow, mud and freezing rain that they had to endure would have looked nothing like what we are trying to portray here and would probably be more suited to my previous book, ‘Setting The Scene’ Winter Wargaming.
The time frame in history that you wish to portray will also have an impact on how your table looks but the main terrain features for your Mediterranean layout will be the same and it will be the smaller items that will give your layout the period feel that you are after.
Cultivation and buildings to a certain degree will be pretty timeless. Terracotta tiles so typical of the region, were used on the roofs of buildings as far back as Ancient Greece, all the way through to the present day.
The two main themes I have chosen are Napoleonic Peninsular and WW2 Sicily/Italy, and so the smaller terrain items covered within this book will be specific for each of those periods.
By placing telegraph poles, street lamps, road signs, advertising posters etc in amongst your terrain, the same layout will have a completely different feel than to a setting a hundred and fifty years earlier. Changing over that wooden blockhouse for a concrete pillbox, barrels for oil drums, log defences for sandbags and that horse drawn limber for a motorised Self Propelled Gun will transform the same table from Napoleonic to a World War Two battlefield.
If you fancy doing Spanish Civil War, Ancient Greek or Rome or some other period in history that was fought on Mediterranean soil, then this will be easy enough for you to change by adding a few items such as a temple, a few ruined pillars, the appropriate transport for that particular time frame, carts, civilians and Roman Legionaries or whatever the appropriate figures are for your chosen Mediterranean period.
The aim of this book is to guide you through each stage of making and painting what you see contained within these pages.
There is a written and pictorial step-by-step guide (the same format as with my previous book) which covers preparing and converting, as well as painting figures, vehicles, buildings and terrain for the Mediterranean, using both commercial and scratch built items.
There is also a reference chart with a guide for all the colours used to paint the different Napoleonic and WW2 figures within this book.
To add some high quality painting to the book, we have the talented master of brushes, Nick of Moiterei’s Bunt Welt blogspot fame with his very own slot as Guest Painter.
Nick will be doing a couple of tutorials on how he paints WW2 Tanks and Italian Infantry, plus he will be ‘Talking Italian’ Regio Esercito Italiano with a very informative article on the Royal Army of Italy. Pictures of the beautiful painted Italian infantry that you see within the pages of this book, along with the superbly painted and weathered M13/40 and Marder II vehicles have been painted by Nick.
Hopefully you will be able to take something from this book and create your own layout for ‘Setting The Scene’ in the Mediterranean.
Pat Smith.
Hi Steven…. really interested in buying this and any other terrain building books you guys have written…. how do I go about purchasing them please
Hi, I’m in Southern California, USA and I’m interested in vol 2
Hi there based in England and interested in the new book.
Hi there,
I’m also interested in the second volume.
Based in amsterdam, the Netherlands.
I’m I’m for Volume 2!
Western MA, USA
Sign me up for vol 2
Im in Australia
Alexandria, VA, USA.
Also could be interested in Vol 1 if its reprinted.
I’m definitely interested in Volume II. Vermont, USA.
What part of Vermont are you in? I host games of I Ain’t Been Shot, Mum in South Burlington.
Volume 2 please – scotland
I have volume 1 and would definitely snap up the 2nd. Sign me up
Yes please!
I’m in Italia, Milano.
Based in England, loved the first book and would like volume 2 .
Definitely want a copy of the new book. I’m in Glasgow, Scotland, UK
Count me in
Hi – I’m interested in both volumes I & II please.
Sydney, Australia
Hi Steve, I would be interested in volume 2 plus any re-run of volume 1. I am in Hampshire UK
Count me in! I’am from Poland. Cheers!
Please put me down for a copy of volume 2
I’m in the Nottingham Leadbelt
Loved the first one, very interested in volume 2!
Would like to sign up for volume 2! Located in Sweden
Count me in!
Loved the first volume, look forward to the second.
Forgot to say, Colorado USA.
from Austin TX! Proud owner of Volume 1! Very much want volume 2!
Absolutely in on this one! Australia
But me down for this. Really enjoyed volume 1
I am from France and I am very interested by this book. Unfortunately, I have just discover the volume 1 and I believe that this book is sold out. a reprint is envisaged ?
Hi Franck, we are hoping to reprint when we have enough people interested. Thanks. Steve.
yup sign me up for vol 1 an 2 looking forward to them
Australia- interested in vol2. Cheers
Hi! Sign me up for vol. 2. Love my copy of vol. 1
I am interested in Setting the Scene Volume2. I am in the US.
Definately interested in vol. 2. Based in Denmark.
Interested in vol. 2. Based in Germany
I’ll buy a copy of Volume 2 – I’m in Melbourne, Australia.
Volume 2, hell yes! UK
Hi Phil, I need to know your location please.
Staffordshire, England
Hi, I would like to buy a copy of vol II as Well
Hi Carsten, I need to know your location please.
Sorry, my location is Denmark
Hi put me down for vol2 . Im in the UK
Another for vol 2 in uk please
Volume 2 in the UK
I’d like vol 2 please, UK.
I’m interested in vol 2. Living in Sweden
Sign me up for Vol II in UK
Hi Steve, I would also love to get my hands on Vol II! I’m based in Cumbria, UK
I’m interested to buy a copy of vol II ! I live in France, Brittany.
Put me down for a copy of vol 2. Salem, MA
Put me down for a copy of volume two please. I enjoyed the first one and this looks to be even more interesting.
I need your location please Michael. Thanks. Steve.
Hi Steven,
Please put me down for a copy of this book.
Forgot to say – in London, UK
Volume 2 for me please, I’m in Chester
Yes indeed put me down for copy!
Based in Germany
Thank You!
Very definitely put me down for 1 copy. Thanks!
Sorry – forgot to put the location: United States
Gainesville,FL USA
Sign me up!
Huntington Woods, MI USA
Would love to have this 2nd volume – London (UK)
Put me down for 2 of Vol.2 please, UK.
Hi there!
I’m interested in vol.2 and I’m based in Rome.
Keep up the great work!
Put me down for 1 of Vol.2 please, Canada.
Yes please, Delaware Oh, US
yes please I would like volume 2!
Will in Adelaide, South Australia
yes please thank you
Perth Australia
I’m interested in vol 2.
Colorado, USA
Put me down for Vol 2 please! Tetbury, Glocs
Would very much like to get my hands on Volume 2, thank you.
Michael in the U.K.
Hi Steve,
here Andrea from Vicenza (near Venice), Italy.
Waiting for the volume 2!
Hi, very much interested. Location is Tildonk, Belgium
From Washington, D.C. here. Would love to purchase a copy.
Hi Steve,
I am very interested in buying a copy of volume 2. I am in Worcestershire.
Kind regards
I would be interested in a copy of vol.2. I’m in Tennessee, USA.
Count me in . UK
Definitely interested
100% Interested in Vol2 –
Located in Brisbane, Australia
in Canada
quite interested
would be very interested in a bundle with a reprint of Vol 1 if that is in the plans too
Loved the first one, very interested in volume 2!
Zaragoza (España).
I have volume one, and would like volume two
Chesterfield UK
Hi Steve,
I would like a copy of Vol 2 when it is available.
I am in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
I am certainly interested in Vol 2. Will go nicely with my Vol 1
I am Alberta, Canada
Have Vol. 1, very interested in Vol. 2.
Location – South Africa
Please put me down for Volume 2. I am in New Zealand.
I have volume 1 and would be interested in volume 2. I am in holland.
Would like to buy a copy of Vol. 2 when it’s available. I’m located in Los Angeles, CA, USA
I have vol. 1 and what a great book it is – looking forward to vol. 2!
I have vol 1 already. Let me know when vol 2 comes out.
Very interested about vol 2… I live in Finland
Have Vol 1 looking forward to Vol 2 based in Essex
Have Vol 1 looking for Volume 2. Texas, USA
Very interested in Vol. 2. York, England
Vol I was as informative as it was inspirational! I’m looking forward to absorbing Vol II. North CRolina, USA.
Hi Pat. have volume 1, want volume 2. Calgary, Canada
Put me down for volume 2 please. Newark, Notts.
Interested in vol2 please – Lincs, England
Volume 2 please.
Aylesbury, Bucks
Volume 2 for me. Suffolk, UK
Very keen on picking up Volume 2 when it’s available 🙂 I’m in Hertfordshire, England
I would like to buy vol2 I live in Perth Western Austalia
Count me in for Volume 2 please.
I’m interested in both Vol.1 & 2 Sir. How do I obtain them for purchase Sir? I’m in St. Cloud, FL, USA Sir. Thank you Sir.
Hi Rico, we are currently sold out of vol I, when we get enough interest we will do a further print run. I will add you to the waiting list, at the moment that list stands at about 50, we need 100 people to sign up before another run is economical.
Sign me up! I will need shipping to the USA.
I would like a copy of Volume 2.
I live in London, U.K.
Would love to purchase vol.2
Loved vol.1
I live in Hillsboro Oregon USA.
I am interested in your book and I am located in Sydney, Australia
Very interested in volume 2 and will purchase once available.
Penn Valley California 95946
Interested Hampshire UK
Yes please
Vol 2 for me please – Poland
Count me in for a copy. Love my volume 1!!
I’m definitely interested. Massachusetts, USA
I am very interested
Based in Portugal
I’m interested and am in Maine
Heck yes I’ll take one! Prince George, Canada
Yes please
Interested – Germany
Vol 2 thanks – Adelaide, South Australia
Yes please … i’m in.
Looking forward to this. Looks great
Definitely interested in this. In UK Gloucestershire.
Interested please in updates. Western Australia based.
I’m very interested by the volume 2. Philippe – in FRANCE
I’m interested. Kokomo, IN, USA
Yes, I am interested, got your first book and loved it.
From Shrewsbury
I am interested I have Vol 1
I’m interested in Volume 2
Interested in Vol II, located in the US
Very interested in Vol.2 and also getting a copy of Vol.1 as well -Australia
Hi, loved volume 1, ready to buy any and all future volumes
Interested in volume 2 (London)
Count me in! – Lodz, Poland
Would love a copy of the second book. The first is great. I’m based in Australia
Interested. Colchester, Essex, UK
Interested in volume 2. Based in Uk
Please put me down for a copy of Vol. II
Interested in a copy. Finland.
If it’s anything as good as Vol1 them sign me up
Forgot to say. UK
Please take my money !
Shropshire, UK
I already have Vol. 1 and I really want a copy of Vol. 2. I am in Germany.
Thoroughly enjoyed the previous book, looking forward to this one!
Mayfield, Ohio (USA)
Thanks for doing these and please keep up the good work!
Interested in Vol.2 but also any reprint of Vol.1 too please
London UK
Hi. I’m intrested in a copy of both Setting the Scene Book Vol I and Vol II. My location is Poland.
Interested in Vol 2 , based in the UK
Hi, I am in Somerset, England and I am interested in Volume 2.
Hi, I am from Germany and I am Interesses in Volume 2.
Tanks a Lot.
Hi Steve, I am definitely interested in a copy of vol. II! May we have an idea of how much it would cost? I am based in Tuscany (Siena), Italy
Hi Leopoldo, not sure yet how much it is going to cost, the aim is to keep it at about the same cost as Vol I, however, I anticipate that Vol II is going to have about 50% more pages than Vol I – I haven’t finished the design/layout yet. The aim is to have the design/layout complete by the middle/end of September, then it needs to be edited. I will have a better idea of the final cost of the book + postage by the beginning of October. Thanks, Steve.
I’d be in for Vol 1+2 and located in Germany.
Hi guys,
Definetly want volume 2, love 1.
Essex u.k.
Really interested in vol 2 of setting the scene. I am based in Cheshire England
Interested in this one, UK
Very interested.
Melbourne – Australia
1 copy of Vol.2 located UK
Please sign me up for a copy. I’m in the UK, Essex.
Yes please, 1 for me. UK.
As in, one of vol. 2.
Hi , Volume 2 please..im in New Zealand. Dan
Hi, I’m in the UK and I am definitely interested in this.
I’m interested in buying Volume 2. I live in Illinois in the States.
I live in Colorado in the United States and I am very interested in buying your Volume 2 terrain book for the Mediterranean theater. Since finding your website I’ve wanted to learn how you’ve created many of your terrain pieces and getting this book appears to be a great way to learn.
Interested in this one, UK
Keen as mustard for a copy of this!
In UK. I am very interested in Vol 2
Hi, I would be interested in a copy of the book! I’m located in Vienna, Austria.
Interested in vol 2 (uk). Looks great.
I’m interested, UK based
Looks great. Travelling in Italy at the moment. Very interested in a copy when published.
Definitely interested in a copy.
Interested. Musselburgh, Scotland.
Great work! Count me in for a copy!
Pavel from Czech republic.
I’m interested in a copy
Interested in both (Vol 1 & 2)
I’m interested in volume 2 please. I’m in Nottinghamshire, UK
Very interested in buying a copy
Very interested
I’m interested in vol 2. I’m in Pennsylvania in the US.
Hi. Would love a copy of Volume 2 and if you reprint Volume 1 would also take a copy of that
Yes please Steve, got the winter one so cant miss Volume 2. Somerset, UK.
Italy is beautiful, am here now. Would love to recreate it on the table!
I’m interested in Volume 2.
Hi Steve, I’d like to express my interest in volume 2. Still kicking myself in ass over not getting in on the first one with winter landscapes.
Hi Gene, we are just looking at numbers for a reprint of volume I, if we have enough interest we will do a reprint at the same time as printing volume II, thanks, Steve.
Interested in volume 2 please. UK
Looking forward to receiving Vol 2 in Florida, US
Very interested in vol2! Looks brilliant!
Love the first one and very interested in this one please.
I’m in the UK
I’m for vol2. ND USA
Hi Id like to order a copy of vol II when available
I most definitely want in! 🙂
Hi. Would love a copy of Volume 2 and if you reprint Volume 1 would also take a copy of that. I’m in Italy
Sign me up for Volume II.
Hi, loved the first book. Very interested in the new volume. I’m in Canada. Cheers.
I’m in for volume 2 too. Located in Germany.
Hi, count me in for sure. And if is reprint of Vol. 1 count me in too.
Mirek, Czech Republic
Ok 2 copies for me please. I’m from Italy
Hi Marco, do you mean 2 copies of Volume 2 or 1 copy of Volume 2 and 1 copy of Volume 1? Thanks, Steve.
Enjoyed vol1 would like to order vol2
I’m interested. Thank you.
Yes please! Looking forward to getting this!
Hello, UK based. I would love a copy of this book.
I would definitely be interested in vol2 in the UK
im interested! im in the uk
are there any vol 1 left as well?
Hi Toby, we are out of print at the moment. However, if we get enough interest we will do another print run at the same time as Volume II is printed. Thanks, Steve.
Interested in vol 1 winter and vol 2 mediterranean
I already commented for volume 2, but I would like volume 1 if becomes available again. (UK based)
I would like volume 2. I live in California in the United States. Thank you!
I’d be interested in a copy of this (and vol 1 as well — I left a comment there already), MA USA
Interested in Volume II.
Devon, UK
Looking forward to volume 2 Hampshire UK
Enjoyed the first, looking forward to the second
I am in Australia and interested in vol 1 and 2
I’d like to acquire a copy of Volume II. I’m in Massachusetts, USA.
I’m looking forward to volume 2!
Regards from Germany
I am from Australia and a proud owner of Volume 1. I would love to order a copy of this one when it comes out. How do I order?
Hi Brett, books will be ready to be ordered in the next few weeks. Design/layout is finished, just need to be checked and then edited. Then we need to gauge the level of interest so we can work out costings – this book has around 150 pages, so is 50% bigger than volume I, thanks, Steve.
Have volume 1 and very interested in volume 2!
Forgot to say I live in Minnesota US.
Hi Steve.
I already have the excellent Volume 1. I would definitely like to get Volume 2 as well once published. Please put me on the list.
Hi Richard, I will need your location please at some stage. Thanks, Steve.
Steve, I am in th UK
Yes please count me in.
I’ll try to track down volume 1 too!
Best wishes,
I have already offered to buy volume II but I am also interested to buy volume I!
I live in France 😉
Hi I would like to buy a copy, if not a physical copy, perhaps a pdf copy
Hi Chris, at the moment there are no plans for a pdf version, thanks for the interest, Steve.
One for me as well please. In the UK
I am in for volume 1 & 2
Volume II fro Zakynthos, Greece
Volumes 1 and 2 please – UK address
Definitely want volume 2.
Already have volume 1
Coventry, UK
Hi Steve
I’d like a copy of vol 2 when it becomes available. Located in Scotland. Thanks.
I would like to reserve a copy of volume 2
Sign me up, UK based.
I would like to reserve a copy of Volume 2. I love my Volume 1.
Sign me up for a copy of Vol 2
I’d like a copy of Volume 2 please!
I’d like to have both books.
Delivery to Germany.
Fremont, CA, 94536, USA
I would like a copy of volume 2. I live in Port Angeles, WA. USA
Please count me in for a copy of Volume 2. I’m in the UK. Thanks.
One copy vol two please I’m in kent UK.
Vol. 2, Czech Republic
Hi, I’m from Rome, Italy and I’m interested in Vol 2.
Ciao. 🙂
Volume 2 for me….
Uhhh would Like volume 2… is there a volume 1?
1 & 2 please. UK
Located UK. Vol 1 & 2 please.
I would be interested in both books! In Pennsylvania, USA.
I’d like a copy of Volume 2 please. Location, London.
I would like to order vol 2 please,I live in County Durham
One copy of Volume 2, please.
Brisbane, Australia.
One copy of Vol. 2 to Prague, Czech Republic please
One copy of vol. 2 poster to the UK please.
I have Volume 1. I will buy a copy of Vol 2 when published. I am in Wales
Hi – please put me down for a copy of vol II & vol I – incl postage to Baldivis, Western Australia
I’ll take both volumes. I’m in the United States.
I would like to get Copies of Vol I and Volume II please!!! Texas USA!
I would like a copy of volume I and II pleas
I live in the UK
Hello, please sign me up for 2 copies of each volume. Shipping to CALIFORNIA in the US.
Thank you
I’ll have one volume 2 please!
Aberdeen, UK
I am very interested.
Loganville, GA USA
Grateful if you could add me to the queue for both volumes 1 and 2.
Canberra, Australia.
Hello Pat,
I would like a copy of Volume 2, shipped to United States
Have already commented on Vol 2, but would like to confirm I’d order the Vol 1 plus Vol 2 deal please.
Location: Shropshire UK
Hi there – I’m interested in a copy, I’m in Kenley, UK.
Hello, Could I please have a copy of volume 2. My location is Dundee, Scotland, UK.
Can I please have a copy of the new book volume 2 when it is released.
Many thanks Julian Nottingham
Please can you sign me up for a copy of Volume 2. Many thanks.
Interested in Volume II. Best regards from Madrid (Spain)
Please can you sign me up for a copy of volume 2? (Loved volume 1!) Many thanks
Hi Ian, yes I have you on my list already, Steve.
I am in California in the USA. I would like to order the bundle of Vol 1 and Vol 2.
I would like to order the two volume bundle. Both of these look like great books!
I am in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Definitely interested please – I already have the winter volume, and have been looking forward to sunnier climes
Hello, been looking forward to this. I am in Ottawa, Canada. Interested in Volume II only.
Please could I have a copy of volume 2. In London
Kind regards
I would like to order both volumes please. I live in Worcestershire in England.
I’d like a copy of volume 2 please. I live in Ireland
I am interested in both volumes – I am in the UK
Hi Pat, both volumes for me please. I’m in Cheshire, UK.
I would like a copy of vol 2
Please could I have a copy of volume 2. I am in the UK.
Please could I purchase both vol 1 & 2 please – Derby uk
Please, I’m interested in both volumes – I’m located in New Zealand. Cheers.
I’d be keen on Vol 2. I am in the UK
Hi, I’m interested in a copy. I’m in New Zealand
Hi I would be interested in a copy of volume 2, in Oxfordshire, England
Please, Inwould like a copy of each
Hi Diego, I need to know your location for postage please, thanks, Steve.
Hi I’m interested in both volumes. I am in the Netherlands
Yes, I would be very interested in volume 2. Please reserve me a copy. just let me know when it is available or when you would need the payment for this.
Hi Steve , I would like to ask for the dispatch of Part 1 and 2. I am from the Czech Republic
I would like a copy of Vol 2. I am in the USA. Thanks.
I’d like a copy of vol 2 please. UK.
Hi Steven, I would love a copy of book 2. I’m from Lewes, East Sussex. Uk
I have Vol I. It is most excellent so I’d like Vol II as well. I’m in Scotland.
I would like a copy of both volumes please. I,m in Australia
Hi Steve!
Based in Greece, i would like a copy of volume 2.
Would love a copy of volume 2. The first one is great.
Please put me on the list to purchase a copy of volume II. Have the other volume…fantastic book !!!
I would like a copy of volume II. Thanks
I’d 100% want to buy the second volume as I really enjoyed your first book , my post code is cf62 5ad, thanks
The first volume was excellent. Sign me up for the second.
Absolutely need the sequel to the riveting page turner that the first book was. I live in Sweden.
I would like to order both books please, to Aldershot, UK.
I’m interested in volume II.
Hi Ole, I need to know your location for postage please, thanks, Steve.
Count me in
i’m in italian Como lake
Hello, I’m interested in Volumes 1&2. I live in Spain.
Vol2 please
Hi, would like to purchase a copy of Vol. 2 with postage to Australia.
(Thought I had done this, but no) Vol 2 for me please. Belfast, N Ireland.
Vol2 please, England
vol 2 please. England.
Yes please! England 🙂
One please.
I leave un France
Vol 2 Please! I loved vol 1 (I have told people its pornography for wargamers!)
United States
lol 🙂 thanks Tom
Volume 2 please, I’m in the UK
Yes please vol 2 – Bracknell Berkshire UK
Interested. Reading, UK
I am interested in vol 1 & 2
Shipping to Canada
Thank you!
Very keen to get hols 1 and 2. Happy to share postage with Gus Walker!
Just wondered if it was still possible to order a book.
Looks like good fun
i’m interested to
Colorado, USA. I’d like to get a copy of both volumes.
I think I may have liked this, but pretty sure I never got around to commenting. I would also be interested in Volume 2, if it isn’t too late yet.
I am in the USA and would like both volumes one and two.
In Australia and interested in v2
I would like to order volumes 1 and 2 I am in the Us. Thanks.
let’s try again, it should be working. The little period after the initial R is mandatory.
Definitely interested in volume 2. Looks very interesting and informative. Please send Paypal invoice.
Interested in a copy of Vol.2 if still available to be sent to the United States.
Volume 2. ADD ME PLEASE.
Hi could I get volume 2 please. I’m in manchester, england
Hi Steve,
I am interested in both Vol 1 & 2. I am in Canada.
Would love a copy sent to the States if you still have some!
I would like a copy of both.
MSG DB McNerney
1116 2nd Crown Point Road
Strafford, NH 03884
Send me a paypal invoice.
I would like to have Vol. 1 and 2 (sent to Luxembourg), if still available. Many thanks!
Hi – these look great. Heard the rave reviews on the Lardy podcast. Could I have both vols please? UK post. Cheers
Hi. I heard Rich mention your books on the Oddcast and I would like to buy a copy of volume 2.
Hope its not too late. Please let me know what the next steps are. I have PayPal if needed.
Thanks, Stephen
Thought I’d ordered vol 2, apparently not! Could I have a copy of vol 2 in the UK
Best Iain
Hiya, any volume 2 still available? Location UK
Hello, is there any copies of either available? West Midlands, UK location
Hi, I’d like a copy of Setting the Scene Vol II. Location – Buckinghamshire, UK.
Is it possible to get a copy of Vol 2 please. I’m based near Southampton, England.
hi can i order volume 2
I would like a copy of volume 2 please. I already have the excellent volume one.
I would very much like to purchase a copy of both volumes. I am in the uk. Let me know if that is going to be possible.
I hope it’s not too late to order volume 2. The models and scenery are tremendously evocative and inspiring.
Location North Vancouver, Canada
If possible I would like to buy a copy of Setting the Scene Volume 2 if still available. Can you send me details, I live in Norfolk, U.K.
I’m interested in both volumes, I’m in the US.
Hi Can I get a copy of Volume 2. I am in Ireland
I would like two (2) copies of Setting the Scene Volume 2. I live in La Mesa, California USA. Thank you!!!
I would like copies of both volume 1 and volume 2 if they are still available. I live in Richmond, Virginia, USA. Thanks!!
Hey pal I would love to get a copy of your Mediterranean terrain book if that’s possible
Thanks very much Ian
Hi, I am interested in both books if possible, definitely Vol 2. I am from Shropshire, UK.
Hello! I am interested in both volumes. And I live in Denmark. Thank you 🙂
I’d like to get a copy of volume 2 if it’s still available, I am in Surrey UK…
I would like a copy of volume 2, in the USA
Hi there,
Really Interested in getting my hands of a copy of Volume 1 & 2. Based in Shropshire UK
Hello there
I would like to Buy a copy of Volume 2 if still available please. I am based in London, UK
Many thanks
Hi Steve,
Interested in getting my hands on both volumes, if possible. Based in the US.
Hi Steve
I would like to Buy copies of both books if that possible. I am from Saint Petersburg, Russia
Good afternoon. I would like to purchase a copy of both volumes 1 and 2.
Hi Steve,
I am very interested in purchasing volumes 1 & 2, if possible. I am based in Essex, UK.
Many thanks,
I am interested in volume 2 if it is still available. I am in the US
I am interested in volume 2. Based in UK.
I’m in for Vol II @ 10% off – Philadelphia, USA. Cheers & be well!
I am interested in volume 2. Based in Germany.
Yes please to Vol. 2 – Derby, UK
Hello, if volume 2 is still available I would like a copy. I’m in the USA
I’m social distancing… but I need to make some terrain. I’d like a copy of Vol 2 sent here to the USA please.
I’d Love a copy if there’s any still available, Lancashire, UK
I would like a copy, also would still like a copy of Vol.1 if its out there, US
Hi there
I would definitely like a copy of both volumes please but most especially Volume 2
I’m based in Dudley, West Midlands, UK
I would like a copy of Vol. 2. If you ever reprint Vol. 1, I’ll take a copy of that is well. 😉
I’m in Poland.
Interested in vol 2, Stockholm, Sweden.
Dombas please
I‘d instantly take a Dombas 1940 off your hands gents 😉
Hi Steve, great stuff, I’m up for Vol1 and vol2 if possible. Keep up the good work mate
Hi Steve, I am interested in vol. 1&2 of your books. greetings from germany
Hi Steve
I would like to buy volume 2 and added to the list for volume 1 if that is possible. Location UK
Hi, i would like to be put on the list for the Volume 1 and is their going to be a Volume 3?
Thanks 🙂
Hi Steve,
Could I please buy a copy of Volume 2? UK-based.
Hi Steve I’d really like a copy of volume 2 if you have any left, I am in Australia , thanks for your time.
Hi, interested in purchasing volume 2, Surrey, uk, Thanks
Hello, I’m interested in obtaining a copy of your volume 2,please. I live in Sweden. Thank you
Hi can I have a copy please? I’m in the UK for P&P
Volume 2 please Elkton Virginia, USA
I’m interested. South Burlington, Vermont USA
I would like to buy an issue of Vol. 1
Hi Steve, any copies of volume 2 still available by any chance?
Hi Steve,
I know that I am late to the party however if there are any copies of Vol II left I would be interested in buying one.
Thanks, Ross
Howdy – please put me on the list for Vol 2 – Texas
BTW – I’d pay you full price for a PDF version….
I would like to purchase a copy of Setting the Scene volume 2 please.
Would you send me invoice details?
My location is U.K.
I am interested in purchasing volume 2 of setting the scene!
East Coast USA here.
I am really interested in purchasing vol 2. Please let me know if you decide to do another print run. Alternatively I would definitely be interested in purchasing a pdf version of both volumes if you decide to release them in that format.
Hi Richard, I will start another crowdfunding exercise soon to see if there is enough interest for a viable reprint. There is no pdf option at present. Thanks, Steve.
Please add me to the reprint waiting list.
I hope you consider an ebook version, or print-on-demand if you decide not to do a reprint.
Thank you.
Please add me to the reprint waiting list for Vol 1+2, I unfortunately was unable to get one last reprint.
Likewise, interested in the reprint 🙂
I’m from Mettmann, Germany and would love to own all three publications
Hi Jens, sorry but only Volume III is in print atm. Thanks, Steve.
I will settle for vol. 3 then. Thanks for your immediate reply. Is there a chance for a compendium release anytime?
Hi Jens, there are no plans for releasing a compendium of volumes 1-3.