AAR of the North Africa ‘learning’ scenario.
Writing all of this down will (I hope) help me to learn and remember the rules, cannot say whether this counts as good play or not, just going through the mechanics. The units on the map may not be the correct ones, but they should be the right types …

Spring 1941.
Axis combat phase.
Axis commit only the Italian air to land based air support.
British commit the 3-4 air for defensive air support.
Germans intercept with the 2-4 air, both have an air nationality DRM of 2. Germans roll a 5 and British roll a 10. 1/0 and 2/2. Germans lose 2 factors with 2 aborted and the 2-4 German air unit is removed, British lose 1 air factor with no aborts so 2 factors contribute to the defence.
Ground combat, Hexes MM19 – 2-5 and 2-3 Italians, and NN19 – 2-6 German and 2-3 Italian, attack the British 2-5 armour.
Axis have 11 attacking factors, British have 6 defensive factors. 1-1, Axis roll a 2, ‘a’ result. Axis lose 4 factors – 50% of 6, rounded up. Both 2-3 Italian infantry units are removed, or, Axis could remove one of the 2-3 infantry units and lose 2 Italian air factors. I will remove the infantry.
All of the remaining air units are inverted.
No exploitation.
No attrition combat.
Nobody is OOS.
Construct a 2-6 German armoured unit in Messina.
2-6 German armour naval redeploys to Tripoli.
Uninvert Italian 3-4 air – only the Axis or both sides?
Axis ‘activated’ 8 ground factors – 8 BRP’s.
Axis ‘activated’ 5 AAF factors – 5 BRP’s.
13 BRP’s spent on offensive operations = -3 VP’s!!!

Allied player turn.
No staging of air units.
No counter air.
Uninvert 2-4 air unit at Tobruk.
2-5 armour unit races from Alexandria to LL24.
No land based air missions.
No ground combat.
No exploitation.
Attrition combat, no CTL modifier as there are equal German and Italian units. Roll a 3, no attrition.
Everyone is in supply.
Build one 1-3 and one 2-3 Australian units in the in the India Box. Build one 2-3 Indian unit in the India Box. Both 2-3 units redeploy to Suez in the redeployment phase.
No BRP’s spent.
+1 VP for holding Tobruk, +1 for holding Bengazi.

Axis Summer 1941 turn.
No new airbases.
No air staging.
No counter air.
No air needs uninverting.
Supply requires die rolls;
2-6 in Tripoli – full supply
1-3 Italian in LL18, partial supply
1-3 Italian in MM17 – full supply
2-5 Italian armour – full supply
2-6 German armour – partial supply, lose their mechanised capability and movement reduced to 3 hexes.
3-4 Italian AAF – partial supply, no offensive missions.
With the wrong die roll 1-1 attacks can be brutal. Axis units will not attack.
Attrition combat, Axis voluntarily leaves out the 1-3 Italian infantry at NN19, this means there is a +1 attrition modifier for higher CTL. Rolls a 4, +1 modifier makes 5, 1C result, Allies remove the 1-3 South African infantry.
No units are OOS.
A German 1-3 infantry arrives in Messina and redeploys to Tripoli.
No BRPs were spent, One Allied 1-3 unit was eliminated through attrition, +1VP. VP total now at -2.

Allied Summer 1941 turn.
No staging of air units.
No counter air.
All units are in full supply.
2-3 Australian and 2-3 Indian units in Suez trudge to LL28 (off map), 2-5 armour at MM20 retreats to LL23, 2-5 armour at LL24 advances to MM23.
No exploitation.
No attrition.
All units are in supply.
Construct a British 2-4 AAF in the South Africa Box, a 4-5 armoured unit in Alexandria and a 3-4 South African unit in the south Africa Box.
The South African 3-4 mechanised unit and the 1-3 Australian unit redeploy to Suez.
No BRP’s spent.
+1 VP for holding Tobruk, +1 for holding Bengazi. 4 total.

Axis Fall 1941 turn.
No new airbases.
No air staging.
No counter air.
No air needs uninverting.
Supply requires die rolls;
1-3 German in Tripoli – Partial supply
3-4 Italian AAF – partial supply, no offensive missions.
1-3 Italian in NN18, partial supply
2-6 German armour in MM19 – full supply
2-5 Italian armour in MM19 – full supply
1-3 Italian in NN19 – partial supply
2-6 German armour in NN19 – full supply.
All of the Axis armour is in full supply. Plenty of mp’s to loop around the Allied flank.
No combat and no exploitation.
Attrition combat, again voluntarily leave out the Italian infantry in partial supply to get the +1 modifier. Roll a 4 again, +1 modifier makes 5, 1C result, Allies remove the 2-5 armour unit in MM23.
All of the Axis units are supplied, construct 1 Italian AAF in Messina and redeploy to LL18.
No BRPs were spent, one Allied 2-5 unit was eliminated through attrition, +2VPs. VP total now at 0.

Allied Fall 1941 turn.
The British armour is in danger of being surrounded so will fall back to meet the reinforcements advancing from Suez/Alexandria. Tobruk is therefore in danger of being cut-off.
No BRP’s spent.
+1 VP for holding Tobruk, +1 for holding Bengazi. 6 total.

Axis Winter 1941 turn.
No new airbases.
No air staging.
No counter air.
No air needs uninverting.
Supply requires die rolls, this time only a 1 means partial supply;
1-3 German infantry in LL17 – full supply
4-4 Italian AAF – full supply
1-3 Italian in LL21 – partial supply
1-3 Italian in MM22 – full supply
2-6 German armour in MM22 – full supply
2-6 German armour in NN23 – full supply
2-5 Italian armour in NN22 – partial supply
Axis capture Benghazi!
Axis may only have one chance to take Tobruk, so here goes, Axis have 6 combat factors. Allies in Tobruk have 1 combat factor +1 DM for fortification, +2 basic DM, +2 for defensive air support. Odds are 1-1 and a 3 is rolled for an Ex result.

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