8 x Soviet motor rifle infantry, 4 x PKM machine gun weapons teams, 4 x SA-7 ‘Grail’ AA missile weapons teams, 4 x AT-4 ‘Spigot’ ATGM weapons teams, 2 x command bases and 2 x recon/forward observer teams.8 x Soviet BMP-1s, ZSU 23-4 ‘Shilka’, 2 x BRDM-2 AT-5 “Spandrel’ and a BMP M-1976/2 recon/command vehicle.10 x Soviet T64B MBTs. All 10mm TimeCast. 3 x Chieftain Mk 5/9 MBTs, 2 x Scorpion CVR(T) and selected buildings, all 10mm TimeCast.TimeCast 10mm. Here is the start of my BAOR battle group for the soon to be released BattleGroup NorthAG rules from PSC. 5 x bases of infantry, 4 x GPMG weapons teams, 4 x Carl Gustav weapons teams, 4 x 2″ mortar teams, 4 x Milan ATGM weapons teams and 2 x command teams.
Good day
Were all of the Soviet models from the NORTHAG Soviet Motor Rifle Company box sold by PSC, or are they third party sculpts?
Hi Connor, yes, all of the Soviets are PSC.