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Hannibal’s Veterans

Victrix Hannibal's Veterans

Liby-Phoenician Spearmen

Victrix Liby-Phoenician Spearmen

Libyan Spearmen

Victrix Libyan Spearmen.

Dutch-Belgian Line Infantry and Nassauers

More Dutch-Belgian Line Infantry and Nassauers for ongoing Waterloo/Quatre Bras project, all figures are Perry miniatures.

British personalities and Royal Artillery

Wellington, Picton, Uxbridge and a battery of Royal Artillery for the ongoing Waterloo/Quatre Bras project, all Perry Miniatures. Royal Horse Artillery

Dutch Belgian Militia

Dutch Belgian Militia for either Quatre Bras/Waterloo.

ECW – Newcastle’s Regiment (part)

Part of a large commission I have been doing for another friend (see the items that were for sale). These are the 2nd part of ...


Napoleonic Nassauers for either Quatre Bras/Waterloo, part of a small commission I am doing for a friend. They are going to do their own basing/standards.