O Group, 1941 German 1st rate battalion for the Eastern Front campaign. Battalion HQ, FOO & transport, 3 x ‘square’ (4 sections) PanzerGrenadier platoons, (one with transport) & command, MMG platoon, 37mm AT gun & tow, 1 x Pioneer SMG platoon, 1 x AT rifle section, 221 AC MG section, 222 AC 20mm section. Reinforcements, short 75mm StuG assault gun section.
All 10mm Pendraken.

Russian 2nd rate battalion. HQ, FOO & transport, 2 x infantry platoons with SMG platoon & command, 1 x infantry platoon and command, Maxim MMG section, PTRD AT rifle section, short 45mm AT gun & tow, 76mm infantry gun & tow, BA10 platoon, BT7 platoon.
All 10mm Pendraken.

Terrain tiles for O Group Russian campaign, Total Battle Miniatures 6mm range with 10mm vehicles/figures.
Scenario 1: Advance to Smolensk 1941