Soviet start line at the bottom, Eindhoven at the top of the table with the Wilhelmina canal at the end.
Wilhelmina Canal at the far end, then the towns of Son, St. Oedenrode, Veghel, Uden and Grave in the foreground with the Grave bridge over the Maas.
Grosbeek on the right, Nijmegen in the middle with the twin bridges over the Waal beyond. Arnhem table at the top.
Arnhem (west)
Arnhem (east)
1st Guards Tank Division
East Germans and Czechs
The ill-fated first turn Soviet air cover
Soviet and allied air commanders
The first air battle
Oh dear!
The Soviet commander doesn’t look pleased 🙁
1st Battalion, 1st Guards Tank roll over the bridge, the solitary Mig 21 in backgrounder is all that was left of the soviet air cover – 14 to one kill ratio to the RAF!
Deploying of the road under cover of a smoke screen
First turn focus on Joes bridge. No sign of the VDV yet
Waiting for the allied commander to make a decision over ambushing or not!
VDV on their fly past a few are shot down by tornadoes, but blowpipes miss
Hinds approach Valkenswaard
VDV fly past
BAOR springs its first ambush and destroys the Soviet air-defence
Soviet infantry pull of the road to deal with the threat
More BAOR ambushes, the lead T-72s are hit by the concealed Chieftains and more British light tanks tank out the Soviet artillery
The Soviet armoured spearhead bogs down!
T-72s strike back at the British MBTs – the Chieftains really should have done a shoot and scoot
Despite the air debacle on table 1, on table 2 the Soviets are able to bring in their support to prepare the landing. Sukhois attack BAOR forces concentrated at Veghel
VDV airlanding company follows the sukhois
Two more squadrons of sukhois engage nearby BAOR support assets. Where is the RAF?
The road is blocked with burning wrecks
2nd Battalion, 1st Guards Tank comes on to the table
Soviet lead elements pass through Valkenswaard
VDV casualties
Soviet lead elements are ambushed, this time by Strykers
More burning wrecks!
The BAOR fend off the VDV airlanding but the air strikes have wreaked havoc. The BAOR commander is cut off in this outpost
The VDV airlanding north of the canal
The VDV land to secure the Grave bridge
With the bridges secure and the Hinds departed, the VDV start the long march north to Nijmegen on foot! Has someone seen our helicopters?
Allied traffic jam
Disaster! The VDV land without aircover on the Island and the British take full advantage- abbots firing over open sights!
Allies to the south of the River Waal join in the destruction of the VDV