Operation Badr and the battle of the Chinese farm using the Rom Kippur adaption of the excellent Rommel rules by Sam Mustafa.
Would you be willing to share this supplement? I have been interested in adapting Rommel to the Cold War. Thank you!
I would second the request for further detail on Romkippur, please?
🙂 Hello, what is it that you would like to know? We use the main rules pretty much without any adaptions. We just introduced a deck of cards with abilities specific to the cold war/arab-Israeli wars instead of using the WWII abilities.
Thanks Steve. Have you done any other Cold War battles, or just Yom Kippur?
Are the rommel supplements for Yum Kippur available
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Would you be willing to share this supplement? I have been interested in adapting Rommel to the Cold War. Thank you!
I would second the request for further detail on Romkippur, please?
🙂 Hello, what is it that you would like to know? We use the main rules pretty much without any adaptions. We just introduced a deck of cards with abilities specific to the cold war/arab-Israeli wars instead of using the WWII abilities.
Thanks Steve. Have you done any other Cold War battles, or just Yom Kippur?
Are the rommel supplements for Yum Kippur available